Anerol oils


$5 $9.95


El aroma alegre y cítrico del aceite de limón le da a cualquier habitación una sensación fresca y limpia y es un favorito de muchos usuarios de aromaterapia. Incluye este aceite en tu rutina diaria para experimentar su aroma vigorizante y edificante durante todo el día. Es comúnmente utilizado en productos de limpieza y purificadores de aire, tiene propiedades ideales para la desodorización. También tiene un uso beneficioso sobre la piel y en el cuidado de la belleza con una aplicación tópica diluida.

  • purificador confiable
  • estimulante del estado de ánimo
  • Impulsar el sistema inmunológico
  • Limpiar y desinfectar superficies
  • Promueve el enfoque mental.

Nombre botánico: Citrus limonum

Origen: Argentina

Aroma: fuerte, poderoso, cítrico, limpio y edificante.

Consistencia: Fina

Color: Amarillo

Nota: Superior

Combina bien con: elemí, ylang ylang, bayas de enebro, rosa, incienso, sándalo, benjuí, geranio, eucalipto, neroli, lavanda, manzanilla y otros cítricos.

Familia: Rutaceae

Método: prensado en frío

Parte de la planta: cáscara


    • TOPICAL: Dilute with favorite carrier oil (coconut, jojoba, olive, etc.) add 1-2 drops of essential oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (depending on preference/sensitivity). Then mix and apply to the desired area of ​​skin.
    • AROMATIC: Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your favorite diffuser to purify the air and/or enjoy its pleasant aroma.
    • AROMATIC: Add 5 drops of Lemon essential oil with 4 drops of Sweet Orange and 3 drops of Peppermint to your diffuser to help boost energy and sharpen focus.
    • Add 5-8 drops of lemon essential oil to your dish soap to increase cleaning power and eliminate lingering odors.
    • Mix 35-40 drops of lemon essential oil with 1 cup each of vinegar and water in a 16 oz spray bottle to create an all-purpose surface cleaner.
    • Skin sensitivity could occur. Essential oils must be diluted before being applied topically because they are highly concentrated. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant or nursing.
    • The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless administered by a Physician who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. All recommendations listed for essential oils do not include precautions for ingestion.
    • This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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